Friday, March 25, 2005

Now tonight I felt like a geek!!

Tired of sitting at the desk in the front room, working away on the desktop PC, yearning for the comfort of the couch in the living room - and to reming the wife that I do actually exist - I considered spending some time working thro' the CSS level 2 training package on the laptop...
Th main problem with that, is that all the support files and bookmarks etc. are on the desktop - and to be honest I couldn't be bothered to move them across.... Hmmmmm what to do....

I then remembered reading an article in this months PC Pro about using Remote Desktop Connection... So I have spent a couple of hours in the living room, using the desktop PC remotely... complete with my iRiver H140 playing me the collected albums of Tangerine Dream.... Lovely!!

Oh, BTW, I have now completed the course, so will be thinking about rebuilding my own website soon with Standards friendly XHTML & CSS Level 2 code.... Come on MS - lets be having IE7 with better support.

On the other hand, I may just spend a couple of weeks playing with Visual Studio again, and see if I can write any C# applications... I noticed when it installed last night - it includes the bits to run on a Windows PDA... Uhmmmmmm

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