Saturday, March 05, 2005

New Reference Book

As you may be aware, I have been working my way through a couple of computer based training packages on XHTML and CSS in an attempt to improve the quality of my Web Page coding.

These courses are excellent, and have really helped. However, I have found them not to be very good as a reference source...! That is, when I attempt to put some of my new found knowledge into practice on my own test site, I cannot remember the details of HOW... and trying to find the specific bit in a course that covers it is tricky. Hence, this site may be in various stages of 'broken' at anytime, as I play with new methods of presentation.

So yesterday, whilst killing time in Waterstones, I purchased "HTML, XHTML, and CSS Bilble - 3rd Edition". It looks to cover the same sort of stuff as the online training, but with an index and thumb-thro'-ability (tm).

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