Friday, March 04, 2005


At 4:30 this afternoon I took delivery of a nice shiny 'Flame Red' Renaulkt Grand Scenic....

The hand over took almost a hour and a half!! There is just so much to learn about this car, auto this, auto that, flick this to lock that, twist this to switch that on.... the list was almost never ending!

Pulling away is still a very strange experience, with no 'Handbrake' your left arm feels lost - It has an automatic 'Parking Brake' switch on the dashboard - and I need to get used to the very different way the diesel engine drives.
Initial impressions are that this is a superb vehicle, and it has already managed 42 MGP in heavy rush hour traffic!

Out for a trip to Evesham Garden Centre in the morning to give it a bit of a run out, and let Amanda get used to it, after all, she needs to be able to drive it too....!

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