Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Weight Check

At 19:30 on 30-07-2005 : 14st 1lb, 26.7% BF
At 16:30 on 14-08-2005 : 13st 5lb, 26.3% BF
At 19:30 on 29-08-2005 : 13st 3lb, 25.8% BF
At 17:30 on 12-09-2005 : 13st 0lb, 25.7% BF
At 17:30 on 26-09-2005 : 12st 12lb, 25.0% BF
At 19:30 on 10-10-2005 : 12st 10lb, 24.5% BF
At 17:30 on 24-10-2005 : 12st 8 lb, 24.9% BF
At 18:30 on 07-11-2005 : 12st 7 lb, 23.9% BF
At 22:00 on 21-11-2005 : 12st 7 lb, 23.9% BF
At 22:00 on 05-12-2005 : 12st 6 lb, 23.1% BF
At 22:00 on 19-12-2005 : 12st 4 lb, 22.9% BF
At 16:00 on 02-01-2006 : 12st 4 lb, 22.5% BF
At 21:00 on 16-01-2006 : 12st 4 lb, 22.9% BF

OK, so a little dissapointed that the percentage body fat has increased slightly, but it really has been another week of finishing the Xmas goodies off. The weight has stayed constant, so that's not too bad.

The only problem at the moment, is that I have got used to having treats, and I am finding it quite difficult to stop again... Now where are those Gingerbread Cookies???

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