Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year - New Computer?

It is now almost 3 years since I changed my Desktop PC, OK it has had a couple of minor upgrades since - Faster DVD Writer, Second Hard Drive, Faster CD Writer and an extra 512 MB RAM, but nothing major. It is now starting to creak a little bit when Photoshop'ing and Video Editing.

I bought this PC under a benefits scheme from work - you pay no VAT, and the month payments are taken from your salary before tax, this makes it seem -almost- like getting a computer for free. In June the 3 years are up, and I have started to consider what I will do then. None of the current PC's on the available list meet my -simple, but powerfull - requirments, lots of 9.1 Dolby, 32 GB RAM on the video card, etc. but still relatively slow processors, and minimal RAM.

So, I have decided that I will take a two pronged approach this year:
1) In June I will get a replacement LAPTOP computer from BT, currently looking at a 1.7Centrino, 1GB RAM, 100 GB HDD, Wide screen format etc.
2) I will build my own replacement Desktop PC, spending the money where I want the maximum performance. The current spec I am looking at is as follows;
AMD Athlon 64x2 Dual Core 4400 processor
NForce4 MoBo with SATA RAID etc.
2 x 74 GB WD Raptor HDD - RAID 0 - giving a VERY fast 140 GB OS & Apps drive (10,000 RPM!!)
1 * 300 GB WD Caviar SE HDD - for data (D Drive(150 GB), M Drive(80 GB) & P Drive (50 GB))
Re-use my 250 GB 2nd HDD as a Backup device
An Nvidia 6800 Video card (To be ready for Vista)
2 x Lightscribe, Dual layer, 16x DVD Writers
A Silverstone "TEMJIN" case and finally
A 480w Fanless Power supply

At current prices, that lot looks to be comming in at about £1300 - hopefully I can get it down to about £1000 by the time I actually start on this project

Once this machine is built, I will reconfigure the current HP machine for AMY's use, Amy's old PC will go into Alex's room (need a new LCD Monitor for that one), and the old laptop will be passed on to Amanda's mom...

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