Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Been a bit quiet recently

Not been up to much for the last week or so and haven't really been in Blogging mood, so here is a quick update on what's been happening around here ...

Amanda has been off work for just over a week, helping her mom with the funeral arrangments. Mike is to be Cremated, at Gornalwood Crematorium, today at 15:00... Amanda is hoping to get back to work tommorow, and start trying to 'get back to normal' We are picking the kids up from school at lunchtime, hope they will be OK... Alex seems to be showing a lot more emotion about it than Amy, but he always has 'Worn his heart on his sleeve'... It was their choice, and they both said they wanted to go - so they could say goodbye.

Many thanks to all our friend who have sent cards and messages of support, they are appreciated.

Onto bighter news...

We finally got around to seeing "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" at the cinema on Sunday - Excellent!!

Alex and I finally got back to the golf range this weekend, ready for another lesson next week. We were both better than we had any right to be after a month long lay-off... Well only with the 8 Iron, any other club and I was terrible!

Changed the Wireless router on my network here, from a BT Voyager 2000 to a BT Voyager 2110 (up from 802.11b to 802.11g) problem is it seems to keep dropping the ADSL line... It seems to be stable again at present, so I will hold fire from returning it under warrantee... It may yet be a, co-incidental, line fault.

Still no sign of the second Nikon (Coolpix 7900) - well they did quote 2 to 4 weeks, and it's only been 2...

Managed to completely trash my Axim PDA, so have had to reset it and reload the apps. Fortunately I don't have too much on there - TomTom 5, BatteryPack Pro, and Microsoft Reader. All the user data is on the SD card, and the entire machine is sync'd to my desktop so appointments, notes etc were recovered that way.

At long last, I got around to 'sharing' my printer on the network, and setting the laptop up with a connection to it... I can now print from the Lappy... Nice!

Got two 'New' games for the XBOX, "Need for Speed - Most Wanted" and "Burnout - Revenge"... Both driving games, both excellent. I Also got "Need for Speed" for the PSP - it's most excellent, but I do need to wear my specs to cope with that much detail on such a small screen.

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