Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Sky Plus

Over the last 12 months, I have been experiencing a problem with my Amstrad PVR2 Sky+ box... When it's recording, and you are watching another channel, or even just pausing a channel and watching a few minutes behind, there is a major 'skipping' and blanking of the audio track.

It seems, according to the forums on DigitalSpy that this is a known issue, with a significant number of these Amstrad boxes, caused by a software update last year.

The forums are full of success stories from customers who have received new boxes free of charge - even when the original box is well past it's warrantee period.  There is a very useful template supplied, along with the email address of James Murdoch (CEO of BSkyB) to request a replacment.

I sent my e-mail off tonight, i'll keep you posted as to the outcome.  If they don't change it, I have to decide if I pay £150 for a replacement unit myself, or take up the free offer of a BTVision box for BT employees.

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