Monday, November 05, 2007

iTunes Ratings

I have decided it's about time I actually tried to get some sort of order to my iTunes music collection, and step 1 of that process is to 'rate' as may of the tracks as I can.

Stage 1:
Decide the definition for each of the 5 star ratings.

  • No Star - Not yet rated
  • 1 Star - If I never heard this track again, my life would probably be better, but certainly no worse for it!!
  • 2 Star - I wouldn't change station on the radio if this track came on, but I would never request it either!
  • 3 Star - The base "I Like It" level, it's not a 'Great' track but it is 'Quite Good"
  • 4 Star - If this track came on the radio, you sing may well sing along to it, you would almost certainly feel a little bit of pleasure upon recognizing it.
  • 5 Star - A 'Desert Island Discs" contender, a real favorite.

Stage 2:
Create 6 'Smart Playlists' based on each of the above ratings

  1. 218 Tracks, 13 Hours
  2. 416 Tracks, 1 day
  3. 319 Tracks. 1 day
  4. 146 Tracks, 10 Hours
  5. 22 Tracks, 1.5 Hours

That only leaves 9067 Tracks (27.5 Days!) to be rated!

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