Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Visual Basic .Net 2005

This evening I have finally started to play with the FREE VB.NET 2005 that I downloaded the other week.

The main reason for the delay was lack of ideas on what to try and program.... That and lack of time... and that - well you get the picture...

But then this morning I remembered an application that I started working on in VB6 some 2.5 years ago - RockConfig

Since then the amount of options that are available to set in Rockbox have grown at an alarming rate, so I thought:
Not only would starting again in the 'New' language be a challenge, but there is probably even more need for an application f this type than ever!

All I have done tonight is rework the 'File Handling' routine to load the entries from an existing .cfg file, and output status messages to a log file. No error trapping yet, no use is being made of the data read in, but it's a definate start

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