Sunday, November 06, 2005

Firefox 1.5 - Release Candidate 1

[Listening to: Be My Baby - Vanessa Paradis - Vanessa Paradis (03:42)]

Firefox 1.5 Release Candidate 1 is now available for download. This is the first release candidate of our next generation Firefox browser, to be released later this year, and it is being made available to our developer and testing community for compatibility testing and to solicit feedback.

Note: This is not the final release of our Web browser, it has been made available for testing purposes only, with no end-user support. If that sounds scary, you'd probably be better off with the latest version of Firefox 1.0

I had a problem with this new version initially - I installed it over 1.07 and when I clicked on the icon to start it up - Nothing happened!! I uninstalled 1.5, reinstalled 1.07 and that worked fine... Next time I tried 1.5, I uninstalled 1.07 first, renamed the installation folder (C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox), then installed 1.5 - it worked fine

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