Sunday, February 15, 2009

Finally – Snow gone

After what seems forever (about two weeks) the estate roads will be safe for motorcycle riding in the morning…  No more Public Transport WOOOOOT!  Bloody buses were costing me a fortune: £3.40 per day.

The only good side of catching the bus is, I have been getting thro’ the Audio Books quite well.  Finished Frank Herbert’s “Children of Dune” – Unabridged at 17 Hours, and I am currently 4 hours into the 6  hours of Kathy Reich’s “Cross Bones” Abridged, but still a damn good read.  Back to listening for an hour a day at lunchtime for a while again.  I still have over 30 hours of ‘un-read’ Audio books on the iPod, so no panic about running out just yet!!

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