Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Back to British Gas

After 18 months of getting billed for my Gas and Electric by Eon, I am switching back to British Gas.

One of their guys phoned me up last week, and after running thro the costs etc. based on my last four bills, we determined that there was less than £30 per year between them, with British Gas actually being the more expensive, but I switched anyway!

Why, I pretend, I can hear you call?  because I will save in the region of £30 per month on my Direct Debit payments!  Eon have grossly overestimated my fuel usage, and demand £170 per month leaving me currently at £341.08 in credit for the year.  There is no offer to return the balance, or to reduce the payments for the next year.  British Gas on the other hand review your payments 6 monthly, and automatically return any positive balance to your bank account after the January bill.

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