Sunday, February 13, 2005

A couple of updates...

The bike came back from the shop on Thursday afternoon, but in the space of a 2 minute ride it's hard to tell if there is any significan improvement in it's condition...
It seems the plugs were "well crapped up" - I believe it's a technical term - and "the throtle's were out of balance"
Ah well, get some fuel tommorow, and see how it gouse on the way to work (It's been way too cold to ride for fun this weekend)

On the mouth front, I have been struggling to eat for a few day : Oat-so-Simple and warm Weetabix have been my sole intake for two days. Yesterday, I was feeling a) a little more adventurous and b) VERY hungry, so I cook Pasta with Mince. It was really nice, I could eat it without pain or choking!

I was told I could leave the plate out overnight (after the first night), so on Friday I did just that - Big Mistake!! Putting it back in on Saturday morning was like having needles in the roof of my mouth. For now I will continue to smear the back of the plate with Bonjel every few hours, and leave it in overnight!!

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