Monday, February 07, 2005

Another new toy on order...

I have decided it's time I changed my MP3 Walkman, the reasons?

  1. The Archos FMR is fine, but just a lttle too bulky and heavy for use in the Gym.

  2. The sound is a little 'Flat' with the new headphones.

  3. It's been two years since I last changed my walkman

  4. I can afford to change it

  5. I want a new toy!

What to choose, that was the question. Actually it was quite a simple decision...
New player must:

  • Have a remote control, with display, so that you can change tracks, volume etc on a treadmill in the gym

  • Be relatively small and lightweight (see point a above)

  • Have good sound quality

  • Have good battery life (in excess of 15 hours) and not go flat if left in your bag for two days (So no iPod then!)

  • Have a Drag'n'Drop interface to explorer (No sync software here thank you very much)

  • Have "Folder and File" navigation, an ID3 database is OK, as long as it is optional

  • Have 40GB or greater capacity (I currently use approx 30GB, and have to 'manage' my audio books to keep some free space)

  • Have a USB2 interface

  • Should support multiple audio formats (MP3, WMA, OGG etc)

  • It MUST be able to run Rockbox firmware

The last point is the killer... The only currently produced hardware that supports Rockbox is the Ondio 128 Flash player, but porting work is underway to allow it to run on the and 2xx range, and the iRiver H-1xx and H-3xx range

I have no interest in colour and video, so the H-340 is out as it is too expensive, the remote has no display, and it won't be ported untill AFTER the H-1xx series.

I am not too impressed with the look of the Gmini range, I know this is purely person taste, but it is a Personal MP3 player, and it just doesn't float my boat

I have listened to the H-1xx with my new 'phones and it sounds really good

So, decision made the iRiver H-140 it is, where from - - £239.99 inc VAT and P&P

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