Wednesday, February 23, 2005


Phoned the Renault dealers today to see what the current situation was with the new car. The original confirmation letter from Renault was that it should be delivered to the dealers on the 23rd (today)...

I was less than pleased to find that it was

  1. Still in Southampton

  2. 'Blocked'

  3. they have no idea why it is blocked

  4. It may not be at the dealers till the 8th March

I have to call them back again on Friday to see if there is anymore information available, but it does beg the question... When were they going to tell me it had been delayed? I have already agreed (and recieved) a price for my old car with a new owner - who was expecting to be able to collect it on the 1st - and have booked a days leave from work to go and collect the car!

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