Thursday, January 20, 2005

Success on E-Bay

I have sold both "The DaVinci Code" (£31.50) and "Shrek 2" (£13), So I am happy.
I am, however, especially pleased with the Audio Book - that made a PROFIT of £11

I am waiting for two other Dan Brown audio books to be delivered, both of which are the longer 13/15 disc versions - I am hoping that selling thos recovers costs equally well...

Strange thought...
Buy the books on e-bay, rip to MP3, listen to on Walkman, delete files (2 GB is too much to keep!), sell on e-bay, make a (small) profit or at least break even. Result, Free access to the audio book, all completely legal
Download mp3 files from web, listen, delete. Result, Free access to audio book, but completely illegal

1 comment:

Barry said...

Which two DB books have you ordered then - the previous ones were great!!