Monday, January 31, 2005

New "Earbud" style headphones on the way

I have decided to treat myself to a new pair of headphones for my Archos MP3/FM Jukebox recorder (now obsolete unfortunately).

My current phones (Sony MDR-EX71SL) have served me well for a couple of years now, but I am looking for a pair with better noise issolation, and better quality drivers, to that end I have chosen the Etymotic ER-gi (white) from

As they are white, people may be fooled into thinking that I am cool and trendy and have an overpriced, underperforming, battery guzzling player from apple... NO! been there, done that, bought the iPod, sold the iPod, bought an Archos, installed Rockbox

Once Rockbox is available for the iRiver, I may be tempted to change the player to a H140, or even a H340... Not just yet tho'

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