Saturday, January 08, 2005

A New fave author

I am currently half way thro' "Deception Point" by Dan Brown, and as soon as I catch up on e-mails, I will be back reading... It's the forth (and latest) of his books that I hav read, and I have not been disapointed with any of them.

In case the name sound familiar but you just can't place it - Dan Brown is the guy who wrote "The DaVinci Code"

This one, is based more in the American Political scene in the run up to a presidential election, and the number of plot twists is amazing. If you have not read it yet - Go out and buy a copy today! My only disapointment is that by the end of this weekend I will have read all his books.... No new ones to read!

I have just won an e-bay auction for the audio book of "Angels and Demons". This is the full 15 CD (19 hours) unabridged version, and it has cost me £25.50 with international shipping.

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