Sunday, October 12, 2003

Well, back home and a little bruised and battered... The Painball was good fun. I have three very nice bright red marks on my back and a very sore lump on my head where I was hit. The team we played against were mostly regulars - we got hammered.
The final game was the most fun, well to everyone except Groom and Best Man! They were given bright red flack jackets, and deemed invincible. They were then given a head start, and the pack was let loose. Both Stuarts got a severe spatting, and the bruises to prove it.

The evening was pretty tame, and it generally petered out by 11:30, so the remaing four of us carried on drinking at one of the local lads houses till 02:00. The end result - I am shattered today, and it took a couple of cups of strong coffee to keep me awake for the return journey.

Our host Ian has a new toy, a Caterham 7 with a Honda Blackbird engine!! the acceleration was quite amazing, and the road holding superb. very nice, damn good fun, but i'll stick to the bike thanks.

Ahh well, lets get a reasonably early night - its decorating again tommorow :-(

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