Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Tried VISTA again...

This is the third time I have installed Windows Vista (AKA Longhorn) on the laptop, this time build 5270, and sadly for the third I have removed it pretty quickly. This time it looked a lot better than the first time, more feature are present, and the needlesly complicated virtual folder nonsence has been improved... however, a Centrino based laptop that cannot see the wireless adaptor is of no use to me!

I even went to the Intel site and downloaded the Vista BETA driver, and installed that - It still cannot see any wireless networks!!

It is also a shame that the video card in the laptop is not capable of displaying the AERO interface, so no transparent windows etc.

The install routine has been improved a lot, but it was *really* slow, taking almost 1.5 hours to complete - previous builds were about 1 hour.

Just as well I ghosted the laptop before I started - ah well, better luck next time.

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