Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Ok, the phrase 'Famous Last words' is one that now springs to mind... Setting up Pete's PC proved to be a bit more work than anticipated. Got it set up and working in under an hour - no problems, installed the ADSL modem - fine. The PC then went online to update help files and driver, then promptley announced that it would shut down in 60 seconds!!! The bugger had been MS.Blaster'd.... in under 30 seconds online!!!

Quick trip back home to get a copy of McAfee Stinger and the Microsoft hotfix, and we were back in business, but just how many fixes / patches are there now for XP on the Windows update site - it took hours!!

Back round there tonight to install Firewall / Virus software / Office / Paint Shop Pro etc. Hopefully this won't take tooooo long.

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