Saturday, December 27, 2008

Just about back…

to where I was before the hard disc failure.

I have, after many hours of downloading, and updating, patching, installing etc. managed to restore my PC back to a fully working condition, with no significant loss of data.

All I know that is missing is three weeks worth of e-mails, and none of them were of great significance.

The biggest pain, was that just before losing the drive, I had spent about 10 hours tidying up the “My Documents” and “My Pictures” folders.  After restoration, everything was a mess again, and it just seems much more like hard work when you have to do the same job for the second time!

The upshot of the last rationalisation, is that the free space on the 250 GB drive is now near 50GB, so it will last till I change the PC now.  Additional benefit of ‘zip’ or ‘rar’ ing several large but not well used folders is that the number of files on the drive has decreased by several 10’s of thousands, which makes backups (yes I am backing up every day at present) and defraging much quicker.

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