Tuesday, November 25, 2003

OK, you ask, where were you for the last month?

I was here, but after an accident with my PC, I had lost the cached login information to the Blogger site, and the tech support link to get you details back was faulty... They have now fixed the page, and I am back on air.... Whoopeeee

Well whats happened in the last month... I have managed to spend two complete weeks in the office, but I am on leave again this week ;-)

Alex's Sunday morning football has failed to take off, only 4 to 5 kids most weeks, so not sure if that is going to continue.

England won the Rugby World Cup, but you already knew that...

I stll haven't finished decorating the hall...! 4 panelled doors upstairs to paint.

Have managed to go to BodyPump classes twice a week for 4 weeks now, have lost about 2 Kilo's, but about 1" off my waist.

I have informed the boss that I am no longer prepared to do "On-Call" - That's created a bit of a stink...

I am activelly looking for a new job (again) - I am just getting bored and need a new challange.

My Out-Laws have finally managed to sell their house, and are moving on Thursday - I have been roped in on Wednesday and Friday to dismantle the HiFi and Home Cinema systems and rebuild them at the new address...

I have changed the Sky box for a Sky+ box - Worth every penny - what a magnificent bit of kit.

Finally my Archos came back from repair - fully working again... and Rockbox is about to be Rls 2.1

That's it for today...

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