Saturday, January 17, 2009


The Desktop PC is pretty well toast again at the moment. It keeps locking up whilst in use, reboot by itself, and losing contact with the Disks... Looks like the 500 GB drive may not have died after all!

Spoke to CCL Tech suppprt line yesterday, and we came to the conclusion that the Motherboard is faulty. Bearing in mind I want a complete new machine soon, I really don't want to spend too much cash on getting this one working again, but it does need to be a worker, so that Amy can have it.

Turns out that for £25+VAT I can get a suitable replacment Abit MoBo, that will support up to 2.4 GHz CPUs, only support 4GB RAM (DDR2 533 max), only take two SATA drives, only has 1 ATA port - but guess what? That is exactly what I need to fit back onto it!

Ordered it yesterday, should be delivered on Monday, so yet another Windows rebuild to look forward to next week.

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