Sunday, August 27, 2006

Back from My Hols

I just realised, it's been almost a week since returning from Turkey, and I have not updated my blog!

Well, Holiday was good, took lots of photographs, broke the compact camera, and spent way too much money.

Since returning, I have been catching up on e-mails (personal and work related) editing almost 400 images down to my printable selecting of 133, and writing my own 'web album' page in PHP... It's almost ready now, so keep tuned for a peak in the next few days. It has taken quite a bit of work this time, but it's all very generic, and combined with a few Photoshop Actions to generate the thumbnails etc, should involve minimal work to add to the album list.

On the negative site, the car was vandalised on Thursday evening - the passenger side door mirrow was snapped off! £230 for a colour coded replacement!!

The Coolpix suffered damage when a large flying insect can past my ear, just as I was about to take a picture.. The resulting "snatched hand" motion caused the extended lens to hit my arm and become stuck. It is currently back with Jessops awaiting repair - hopefully under guarantee.

The D50 was not used as much, it was a bit too warm to carry the large camera about too often, but I have been very impressed by the quality on the images taken.

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