Monday, September 19, 2005

New Toy - Just Browsing

I have been a little dissapointed with the Dimage A200 Camera that I purchased last year. It has all the feature that I wanted, but the lens quality is just not good enough. So, I have been considering changing the camera again.

The shortlist was:
Canon EOS350D & the Nikon D70s - Both in the £600 to £700 region, both with excellent reviews

I am in no hurry however to change, but as I was passing Jessops today (With time to kill) I decided to go in and have a look at them. The guy behind the counter was excellent, getting all the camera's, lenses, memory cards etc ot, showing me A4 prints taken from both models...
My personal conclusion was that the 350 felt cheap and the build quality did not seem up to the standard of a £600 camera, but the NIkon, although fantastic, was just a little too large and heavy.
The compromise seems to be the Nikon D50, several £100 cheaper, smaller, lighter, few controls to hand (I considered that to be a good point!), but with a significantly 'shorter' zoon lens as standard (18 - 55 on the D50, 18 to 70 on the D70) However the difference in price would allow me to get an additional 55 to 200 lens, a large memory card, and still be within budget.
The combined range of 18 to 200 is 35mm Equiv to 28 - 300.

The 'trade in' price offered by the shop for my A200 was a rather pathetic £125 - they are selling 2nd hand on Ebay for approx £300!!

Hmmmm, maybe soon....

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