Saturday, September 27, 2008

Possible new job?

An e-mail was circulated around the office this week from the head of the Genesys support team, looking for interested people to join them.  It’s two grades higher than my current post, but seems to be a similar job, just on a different platform.

I have had some experience working with the Genesys guys, as their kit frequently connects via the Symposium platform we support.

I spoke to one of the engineers in this post, and it does seem to be an interesting change of direction, and they seem to work well as a team. So I registered my interest.

Yesterday, the manager of the team called me, and after a long chat, I was asked to spend a day working with Sandy, who is based in Stockport, to see if I fancy the job.  There are 7 people interested, but apparently I have the closest match of skills to their ideal.

I called Sandy, and after a chat we agreed on 9th October.

The grade carries a “business needs” car, an annual “on call” allowance (1 in 5 possibly moving to 1 in 6), and an end of year bonus.  I have the option of working from home, or taking a desk in Brindley Place (I would prefer a desk, home working is a little too quiet for my liking), but you have the flexibility of hours to avoid travelling in rush hour traffic.

It’s nice to get a bit of excitement back into my working life again, just hope I can get the job now!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008


After years of trying to get Alex to ride a bike, he finally decided that it was time... I suspect a not inconsiderable amount of "peer pressure" was responsible.

It only took about 1 hour, and he was peddling away quite happily. Cornering, starting off, and stopping safely still need some practice though'.

To celebrate, Alex is now the proud owner of a nice chrome plated BMX bike - £80 from Hawk Cycles