... since I last posted here? Good grief, time flies when you are having fun!
'What's been going on?' I hear you cry, well not a lot actually. Currently decorating the lounge, in advance of a new painting - 'A Moment of tranquility' by Mark Spain
Ceiling and woodwork has been painted, walls have been re-papered with textured paper, and one wall has actually been emulsion'd to finished colour. Still not 100% sure on other wall's or curtain colour, so some work left to do yet.
Apart from that, not a lot... Tidied out my CD collection for a recent 'Car Boot' sale, sold about 100 CD's - still *way* too many left really.
Not too much time off from work, but work itself has been pretty quiet. That's the 'end of financial year' effect - it's either completely mad, or deadly quiet, depending on wether there is any telecom's budget left to be spent before April!
Took a day trip to see Lofty one day, he is now separated from his wife, and filling for divorce. It's the happiest we have seen him in years!
Have been spending quite a lot of time on Photoshop, working my way thro' the tutorials in Matt Kloskowski's "Layers - The complete guide to Photoshop's most powerful feature', and a couple of online training courses ay Lynda.com. I have been really interested in the area of 'retouching' and now need to get the camera out and take some good pic's on Amy and Alex so I have some material to work on!
The Beta version of Lightroom 2.0 is now out, and I have taken the opportunity to start from scratch again withLR. I started importing pictures into LR before I really understood what was going on, and as such - it was always a bit of a mess. Lets see if I can do better this time!
Golf has been a bit thin on the ground in March, every time I had a day off, the weather was terrible. Never mind, with the clocks going forwards, evenings are fair game again now ;-) - at least they will be once the decorating is finished...