Monday, May 31, 2004

Been to the cinema today.

Decided agains even trying to see Harry Potter - the Q was about 200 yards!

We settled for Van Helsing, my advice - don't bother...!

I really wanted to like this film, the trailers looked good, Ms Beckinsale looks really good in leather, and the idea sounds fun, however some of the special effects just don't pass muster (Leaping from horse to horse, Mr Jeckyl, in fact too many to mention) some are excellent (the werewolf transformation), and the "updated story" is, at times, just plain silly!

Score out of 10 : 5

Laptop troubles continued...

It was still taking forever to boot the laptop - at least 3 minutes to get a usable desktop, and even then simple jobs - such as displaying the start menu, took almost a minute the 1st time...

I removed the swap file, completely. Removed Hibernation support. Defragged the HDD again, re-enabled Swapspace - this time fixed at 512 MB, converted the FS to NTFS and all seem to be running OK now.

New disk image made (3.5 GB) and copied over the wireless to the desktop PC, ready to be burnt onto my recovery DVD

Saturday, May 29, 2004

A Little Laptop Trouble

Since the hicough with the GPS Mouse a few weeks ago, the laptop has been running sluggish. For example - 75 seconds to boot up! The other day, it completely failed to boot, and I ended up in safe mode to get it working again!

Today, I went to use it this morning, and it failed to boot again. I was in no mood to mess about again, so I booted to the "PowerQuest Drive Image" CDROM, and selected a complete system restore. I took a complete image, just after XMAS last year of my working system with most of the bits on.

Within an hour I had a working system again, but I have been "Tweaking" for most of the day, on and off... 19 MB of Windows updates for starters, remove a couple of apps that have fallen by the wayside in the last 5 months, update the virus checker, add Desktop Sidebar, do a boot time defrag of the HDD, run Bootvis a couple of times to ensure rapid startup. Smaller updates have also been done ; Flash 7 installed into IE, Fun packs downloaded and added to Media Player and Movie Maker...

I am now just about done, one last defrag of the D drive, and I can create a new Drive Image of the PC - Ready for the next time it fails!

Parcel collected, not what I had hoped

[Listening to: My Immortal - Evanescence - Fallen (04:24)]

OK, I have my TOMTOM 3 software, and the GPS hardware for the AXIM 5.... I just don't have the PDA to run it on yet :-(

I was hoping that the PDA would arive first, giving me a day or two to play, before getting some additional kit and software - ah well...

The car mounting kit looks to be excellent quality, the manual is adeqate - it seems to tell me everything I need to know, with simple to follow diagrams, time will tell once I get to load it!

Now this is what the Internet is all about

[Listening to: Whistle Down The Wind - Sarah Brightman - Encore (03:29)]

The Animals, made up using tube lines, stations and junctions were spotted by Paul Middlewick some 15 years ago.

The original Animal, the Elephant was discovered while Paul was staring at the tube map during his daily journey to work.

Since then, the Elephant has been joined by many other Animal friends. You can meet some of them on this site by clicking the 'animals' link. More Animals are being 'discovered' all the time If you want to know more about them and what they get up to, why not join our mailing list?

Friday, May 28, 2004

On a happier note...

The couriers failed to deliver a parcel today - that'l be the DELL PDA... I should be able to collect it from the depot in the morning....

Not a happy Bunny!

I have heard from the Bike dealers today... It seems that Moto Guzzi have agreed to replace the exhaust, but not the front disk brake under warantee! I have spoken to Guzzi Customer support and await their reply.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Breva Site Updated..

[Listening to: 04 The Riot Of Your Time - Scorpions - Taken By Force (04:13)]

The title just about says it all really.... (Updated Breva Page)

Alex's Birthday

Today my little boy is 6 years old... He is now the proud owner of a water pistol, a biplane kite, a nature explorer kit, some "boring clothes" (his words not mine) , and some £100 in cash! We will be going shopping in Toys R us on Saturday :-)

The Red Breva...

Well, it's been some time since I last updated my bike site, and in fact I have completely redesigned my entire website... but last night I finally but some content into the new shell. ( Nothing spectacular, just moved the content from my old site to the new one. Tonight I shall attempt to bring it up to date...

Monday, May 24, 2004

One Down, One to Go...

This weekend was the "Family Party" for Alex's Birthday - He will be 6 on the 27th, Next week is the tough one, the "Kids party". That is to be a bouncy castle affair at the local leisure centre.

This one was quite good fun, a Bar-B-Q in the Garden.. The weather was magnificent, my cooking was superb and a good time was had by all. Amy had her first go with the video camera, and although she quickly mastered the controls, she needs a little more practice on the "slow and smooth" techniques! You can see an edited version of it here.

The run up to this weekend was tough, as I had to get the garden tidy, beds weeded, Hedges trimmed, lawns cut, connifers lopped etc. but it was worth it in the end. NOTE TO SELF: start to tidy the garden in April next year!

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Rockbox just keeps getting better...

The latest version of Rockbox now supports displaying the filename of the NEXT song in the playlist... cool.
Using this information on a limited size screen is a bit of a challange, but with a combination of scrolling, alternating lines I have finally managed!

Batt:%bt Vol:%pv
%t5%s%?it<%?in<%in. |>%it|%fn>;%t5%s%?It%it|%fn>>
%t5%s%?id<%id|%?d1<%d1|(root)>> %?iy<(%iy)|>;%t5%s%?Id<%Id|%?id<%id|%?d1<%d1|(root)>>>
Trk: %pp of %pe%?ps<{%ps}|> %?iv
Trk Time: %pc/%pt


A Sample Translation:
%t5%s%?it<%?in<%in. |>%it|%fn>;%t5%s%?It%it|%fn>>
show the first section of data for 5 seconds (%t5)
If it does not fit on screen, scroll it (%s)
is there a valid id3 trackname tag for the current song? (%?it<)
If there is, is there a valid id3 tag for the track number (%?in<)
Yes there is, so display it, followed by a full stop (%in.)
No there is not, so display nothing (|>)
Yes there is, so display it (%it)
No there is not, so display the filename of the track instead (|%fn)
End of first display section(;)

show the second section of data for 5 seconds (%t5)
If it does not fit on screen, scroll it (%s)
is there a valid id3 trackname tag for the NEXT song? (%?It<)
If there is, display the word NEXT: followed by the track number, a full stop and the title (NEXT: %In. %It)
I have assumed at this section, if there is a trackname ID3 tag, all the tags are populated
If not, display the same information as for the 1st section... (|%?it<%?in<%in. |>%it|%fn>>)

Simple eh?

Friday, May 21, 2004

Want is a very powerfull word.

I know I don't need a PDA, but I really WANT one.

My interest was recently ignited by the news that Dell have launched the Axim X30, with a 600 Mhz processor and Windows Mobile 2003 SE, but not in the UK yet!

I started looking on the Dell UK site to see when it would be out, no news - bummer! I read a few reviews, and found battery life was in the region of 3 hours!! What chuffin use is that to anyone?

What I did see, however, was the X5 GPS bundle... and as one of the main reasons for having a windows PDA was to be able to use autoroute and GPS etc I was hooked!

Car cradle, Car Charger, GPS unit, GPS software, cables, 128 MB SD card, 400 Mhz processor etc. It's no good I really WANT this tool..........

That's It - I've Gone and Done It

Thursday, May 20, 2004

New Blog Posting Tool

[Listening to: Tired Of Sleeping - Suzanne Vega - Days Of Open Hand (04:24)]

Up till now, I have just been using the web interface to post to, but I have just happend across w.blogger

It seems to be a really cool little application, and it will automatically insert the current playing music from Media Player 9 at the top of each post!
It's been a quiet week, lots of work in the office and the weather has been warm enough to get out in the garden.

The garden is starting to look quite good again, plants blooming and growing, hedges and edges trimmed, conifers lopped back to a sensible height... Just as well, we have family and friends over this weekend for a B-B-Q to celebrate Alex's 6th Birthday. Should give me chance to play with the HC-40 again, or I may even let Amy have a go... The result of my first experiment in Video editing can be seen here, it is streaming, but it's designed for Broadband download.

No news from the bike shop yet, but they did say it may be a couple of weeks... It's still running OK(ish) but the sooner the disc and exhaust is replaced the better!

I am being tempted into the world of PDA's - The new Dell Axim X30 loooks to be rather tasty - plain looking but plenty of power, Wireless networking and bluetooth built in.. However it's only just been announced and I can't find a UK price yet.
The other option was a Dell X5 GPS, but at almost £600 with all the extra's - that's a little too rich for my taste at the moment :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

The Breva went to the shop on Monday.

The front brake is vibrating in use, because the disc is buckled! It Needs a new one and a pair of pads.

The ratteling noise from the exhaust is due to the Catalytic Converter collapsing internally, and that need to be replaced.

The reason the exhaust is blowing, is that the downpipe is 1" too short! That too has to be replaced!

The rear hub is also showing signs of corrosion, and they will have to replace that too.

Good job it's still under warrantee!

I just have to wait a couple of weeks now for the Guzzi engineer to agree and for the parts to be in stock. I'll than have an almost new bike again!

Did I tell you the story about my GPS receiver?

Well I decided it may be useful to have a GPS receiver to use with AutoRoute on my laptop, I didn't want to spend a lot of money to test out the theory, so I looked on E-Bay. I won one at auction for £30 from a guy in Hong Kong.
I used it on our recent trip to Llandudno, and it worked like a dream, or at least it did for about 70 miles, and then it packed up! No amount of reloading of drivers etc made a scrap of difference, and I tried 3 other PC's - still no good.

At this point I decided to write it off and get a better quality one from someone in this country.

I chose a "RoyalTek - Sapphire Smart Antenna" from the GPS Warehouse. I opted for the serial connection model, as it stated that serial was compatible with more GPS Software than the USB. It arrived quickly enough and I set about connecting it up, that's when I realised that I have a "Legacy Free" laptop - No Serial ports! Sheepishly I called them, and they agreed I could send it back and exchange it.

It cost me an addition £10 in postage to replace it, but it's here now. I have installed it on the laptop, and it's a cracker!! The accuracy is really good, and it's as stable as anything.

Monday, May 10, 2004

Blogger has a "New Look"...

Google have just gone to town on Blogger, and the results are fantastic! Completely new interface for creating and maintaining the blog, and a load of nice new shiny templates to use too.

I have moved the hosting from my own site, to Bloggers own "" Partly because - well why not? and partly due to the introduction of FrontPage extension on my own site, I am not allowed to FTP to it!

Anyway, site republished to new location, and with a new look, all in less than the time it took to get a pizza delivered! Must go, pizza man just arrived

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Has it really been that long.....

I am still playing with the MS Hosting and Front Page 2003, I think I have now finalised my methodology... I have a root site, that is simply a "Placeholder". Each of the sub sections from the original site will now be hosted as a completely seperate "Sub Domain", all with a Family look-and-Feel, but with their own independant colour scheme and sub menu.

Desktop Side bar is still great! is a superb place to download you mp3's from...

I have bought myself a Digital Video Cam-Corder, the Sony HC40, it really is rather good. I used it a little on a weekend away in Llandudno. Transfering the video to the PC was simplicity itself... Connect the Camcorder via the firewire port and Windows Movie Maker popped up and a wizard did all the work. I was then able to edit the video, add title, save as PAL and burn to DVD with a menu - all in under 1 hour....!

Another toy recently acquired is a USB GPS reciever for use with AutoRoute on the Laptop, tried it out on the above mentioned weekend to Llandudno and it worked like a dream! OK, not exactly a difficult journey Home - Wolverhampton - A14 - A55 - Hotel, but as a proof of concept it was a success. I will try it out again soon and give a more detailed report ;-)

Today is our 12th Wedding anniversary, and I have just finished a 12 hour Night Shift at work, so I am closing down now to get some well earned sleep.